17 October 2008

Welcome to Azeroth

My name is Ginger, and I'm an altoholic. How's that for an introduction? A bit more? Ok.

I'm an officer in a day-2ish guild, ISCA Alliance (www.iscaalliance.com), on the US Whisperwind realm. We started fairly small, as a group of friends and acquaintances from the ISCA BBS. You remember BBSes, don't you? Well, they're still around. (www.iscabbs.com is ours, check it out!) We've grown to a fairly sizable, casual raiding guild.

Folks said from the start that our guild couldn't make it. Of course, that was almost four years ago, and we've seen end-game content, and formed friendships, while still maintaining a fun and casual atmosphere. In the beginning, we were running with more hunters and paladins than any one guild should, and still we kept growing and exploring. We weathered one expansion that blew other, lesser, guilds apart, and are facing another, knowing that we will still be together on the other side. But enough about the guild for now.

Who am I? Well, I'm the "2iC," or "Second in Command," or a fancy way of saying "Vice President," or some such. Really, it doesn't mean anything more than any other officer, other than if we need someone to put the smack down, I can be called upon to do so. I'm 33, one of the rare and elusive Gamer Girls, but shhhh. We don't really exist. I'm an altoholic, with a 70 Night Elf Hunter as my main (commence stereotyping here?), a 70 Human Paladin who tanks, a 70 Human Warlock who blows shit up, and a 70 Night Elf Rogue who needs to be retired. Of course, ALL my character slots are filled, and I have a Night Elf Druid past 60, who is a healer, and a pleothora of other toons in various stages of low-levelism. And I'll be making a Death Knight come expansion...my baby Shaman will have to die and be reborn.

I guess I'm the social butterfly of the guild; I'm real-life friends with some members, as we knew each other before we started playing (including my ex-husband, which is an entirely different can of worms); I've met several others in various travels. At this point, I probably know more of our guild than anyone else, aside from the OTHER groups of real-life friends. We keep tossing the idea of a guild gathering at some point, but I think there's very few of us willing to mix our WoW with real-life.

In general, I've spent a good deal of time playing this game, and I think it's safe to say it's more than just a passing interest at this point; it's become a hobby. I hope to share some of my thoughts and stories, especially about my guild mates. Look out, gang!


Starman said...

Welcome to the Blogsphere!!!!

Unknown said...

Leave me out of your topics, kkthx

Unknown said...

^--Wren btw