24 October 2008

Kara, You Taught Me Much...

But I'm afraid it's time for me to move on to bigger and badder instances. Well, you know, in a few weeks at least.

In the beginning, you tested my mettle, across several characters. Neve learned how to tank, and oh, how AOE tanking was the order of the day with you. Eumoabe learned the dangers of Seed of Wipe, when it was powerful enough to blow through walls...and pull everything, everywhere, in a 30-yard radius. Even on another floor. Through the wall. WAAAAAAY over there.

And most importantly, I learned how to be a Good Hunter.

You gave me countless loots, including a gun I shall treasure for a long time. You gave me badges to upgrate to gear better than you could provide. You taught me how to AOE as a hunter, even before hunters had any effective AOE.

And now, you taught me that even the mighty must fall, and fade, and be conquered by the tenatious...and slightly mad. Perhaps that is the most lasting impression you have left on me, Karazhan; the madness. For who but the truly mad would attempt to conquer you with only four others? And who but the truly mad could succeed?

*more shall be forthcoming on this topic, by popular demand*

Next up?: When Guilds Have Dramaz...

1 comment:

Ummii said...

Hey I thought you were going to write an in character blog. :)