21 October 2008

Character Introduction - Osethme

Osethme is my Night Elf Hunter. Yeah, yeah, ez-mode, huntard, blah blah blah. But you know what? I have a LOT of fun playing her. She was my first, and I'll freely admit, so easy to level it's no wonder I kept her as my main. She's level 70, for a few more weeks anyway, and has seen more content and done more stuff than any of my others.

The name Osethme (and to a certain extent, the character) started on that most horrid of games, Star Wars: Galaxies. I wanted to make a Rodian dancer, and by the power of the random name generator, Osethme was born. I played for about a year before the ridiculousness of the game outweighed the social aspect of being in an entertainer guild, and having some RP fun. I know Osethme was destined to be a Jedi. She tried her hand at several professions, and the all-holy holocron was silent the first time she found one (if you played, you know what I mean. If you didn't, you don't want to know). Alas, SW:G was just too much suckage for even a fun entertainers guild, and I quit playing.

Then came WoW. Obviously, I haven't looked back.

Being a hunter is just a lot of fun. I've kept some consistencies throughout the life of my playing; I've always had a cat named Lilith and an owl named Oracle. "Ose Moments" have become a staple; I have days where I'm more blonde than others, and I make some mistakes. Deadly, wipage mistakes that generally have all of us laughing too hard to care. "Seed of Wipe" is our guild's name for...whatever the hell the 'lock spell is called. No one remembers because it's Seed of Wipe.

I also have consistently been a Good Hunter. I know, many folks say there's no such thing. But played well, with situational awareness, and pet control, a hunter is a deadly DPSer with utility beyond just pewpew. We protect the healers, we trap escapees, we send our pets to off tank (especially now that they are useful for it!)...our utility knows no bounds! That is, when I'm not having an Ose Moment. :)

p.s. Sorry Wren, you can't keep your name out of here. ;)


Anonymous said...

You mis-spelled ridiculousness "Engish major" :)

(says the aforementioned ex-husband)

BTW, we were a day 1 guild dear.


Kyuui said...

Oh noes.. Ose on da web.. we are doomed

heh.. Kyuui was here...!

Crunchy Granola said...

I did not spell it wrong! >_>


Hehe, Ose has been on the web for awhile. All y'all can't see my private blog anymore. ;)

Unknown said...

I know, I bet I will be mentioned in alot of "look at this dumbass" blogs....
